Podmorski vremeplov (Danijel Frka – Marino Brzac) /
Undersea Time Machine (Danijel Frka & Marino Brzac)
Galerija ZADART, Zadar (Hrvatska)
29. rujna – 15. listopada 2011.

To Mario Jurišić, dear colleague and friend
Mario Jurišić passed away at the age of 50, at the beginning of September 2007. He had served as Head of the Croatian Conservation Institute's Department of Underwater Archaeology and still had many plans for the future.
During his fruitful career he discovered and researched many interesting archaeological sites on the Croatian seabed. He was the first to propose and create the in situ protection of Roman shipwrecks in Croatian waters, the main promoter of the underwater archaeological parks and a patient mentor of generations of young researchers. He was also a passionate archaeologist and diver, and above all, a congenial colleague and a great friend.
We sincerely hope that we will keep the memory of Mario alive within us and within all those who will continue his exciting and wonderful work. We share a great passion for the attractive and mysterious world beneath the sea, which was Mario's greatest delight for so many years.